My Health Learning
There are numerous online training courses related available through the state-wide eLearning system - My Health Learning (previously known as HETI Online).
Please login into My Health Learning to search the training catalogue and to book training:
University of Sydney
The University of Sydney Library conducts several training sessions specifically related to research data. Click on the link below for further details on these research data training sessions
Intersect Australia Limited
Intersect is Australia's largest full-service eResearch support agency. Intersect offers a wide range of specialised courses for researchers, from beginner through to advanced levels in working with data, programming and automation, and high performance computing.
Training is provided at no cost to researchers and Higher-Degree Research students from Intersect member institutions. Note Intersect has twelve university members: the University of Sydney (USyd), University of New South Wales (UNSW), the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), the University of Newcastle (UoN), Southern Cross University (SCU), the University of New England (UNE), Western Sydney University (WSU), Charles Sturt University (CSU), the University of Canberra (UC), the Australian Catholic University (ACU), La Trobe University (LTU) and Deakin University (DU).
Other Online Training Courses
Online courses offered through international universities. These courses are free or you can pay for certification. Courses include Deep Learning, Data Science, Python, Machine Learning, Algorithms and Data Structures.
For example the following is a Coursera course offered by the University of Sydney - Using clinical health data for better healthcare.
ANDS 23 (research data) Things
Self-directed learning for anybody who wants to know more about research data.
This is an online version of the research data management overview that is also offered in person by the Research Data team at the University of Sydney.
A 10 part data management training module in powerpoint format.
Several learning modules including:
Data Fundamentals
Data Cleaning
Exploring Data
Extracting Data
Collecting Data
Presenting Data